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What is Prostatitis?

Prostatitis is another prostate problem that commonly afflicts adult men of all ages. Prostatitis refers to the inflammation of the prostate. It may present with urination problems or LUTS with varying severity. Severe chronic prostatitis may be debilitating.

Prostatitis has been classified by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into four categories.

  • Category 1 is acute bacterial prostatitis.
  • Category 2 is chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  • Category 3 includes the conditions previously known as nonbacterial prostatitis, prostatodynia and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. 
  • Category 4 is asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.

Pain relief and several weeks of treatment with antibiotic are typically needed for category 1 and 2 prostatitis. Treatment for category 3 prostatitis (nonbacterial) is less clear and mainly involves relieving symptoms. Category 4 prostatitis is usually found during examination for another reason and often doesn't require treatment.


UroSurgery Mt. E, Urology Specialist Clinic, Singapore




New Prostate Cancer Drug gives Hope to patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Researchers from the United Kingdom has unveiled a new drug that can shrink advanced prostate cancer which no longer respond to conventional drug therapy.

Prostate cancer incidence rises in Singapore

Prostate cancer incidence rises in Singapore

Prostate cancer has been the 5th commonest cancer among men in Singapore. This is no longer so.


Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer can lead to early and effective treatment with good outcome.


Important Clinic Information

Opening hours:
Mondays to Fridays   - 9 am to 5pm
Saturdays                    - 9 am to 1pm

PHONE: (65) 6333-6861
FAX: (65) 6836-3882
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(65) 6535 8833