1. How should I prepare for Shockwave treatment (ESWL) of stone?
- No hospital stay is required.
- No fasting is necessary. Take a light meal before the procedure.
- STOP all blood thinning medication such as Aspirin, Cardiprin, Persantin, Plavix or Warfarin, temporarily a week before the treatment.
- Do continue to take your medication for hypertension before the procedure. If your blood pressure has been consistently high, do consult your family doctor to control the blood pressure before the treatment.
- Do bring all your X-rays for the treatment.
- Do come with a companion to help bring you home after the treatment. Do not drive yourself on the day of the treatment.
- Do come on time and allow time for paper work.
- Do remember to bring a letter of guarantee from your company or insurer if you do not wish to pay first for the treatment.
- Do bring disposable or extra underwear for greater comfort.
- For ladies, do inform the doctor if you may be pregnant.
- If you need to be admitted as a Day Surgery case, please proceed to Level 3 of Mt Elizabeth Hospital for admission.
- If you need to be admitted for overnight Inpatient stay, please proceed to Level 2 Admission Office of Mt. Elizabeth Hospital. This is the office just behind the aquarium.
- If you do not need any admission or hospital bed, please proceed to the ESWL Stone Centre, Mt Elizabeth at Level 1 of the Mt Elizabeth Medical Centre.
- For directions to the ESWL Stone Centre at Mt. Elizabeth, please refer to the map below.

2. How should I prepare for CT scan?
A CT scan is a computerized x-ray where a number of x-ray pictures are taken of the pelvic and abdominal area and fed into a computer to give a detailed picture of the inside of the body.
In some cases contrast may need to be given to obtain a clearer picture. This is usually injected into a vein in the arm. It may give a feeling of warmth and cause mild flushing of the skin. Once you are lying comfortably on the couch, the scan can be taken. The scan itself is painless, but it will mean you have to lie still for up to 10–15 minutes. Most people are able to go home as soon as their scan is over.
- No fasting is required. However, no food 4 hours before the procedure may be useful.
- If you are DM, keeping yourself hydrated is useful.
- Do take all your medications on the morning of the scan.
- Do bring along all your X-rays.
- Do inform the nurse or radiologist if you have a drug allergy or asthma.
- For ladies, do inform the doctor if you may be pregnant.
- For map to CT Centre Level 2 Mt Elizabeth Hospital refer below.
3. How should I prepare for MRI?
- As the strong magnetic field used for MRI will pull on any ferromagnetic metal object implanted in the body, it is important that all metallic items including magnetic strips (e.g., in bank or credit cards) be removed before entering the scanning room. The presence of metal will also degrade the MRI image and therefore has to be removed in order to optimize your examination.
- In most cases surgical staples, plates, pins and screws pose no risk during MRI if they have been in place for more than four to six weeks.
- If there is a doubt, a x-ray may be required to verify the presence of any metal in your body or head.
- You are discouraged to apply make-up or sprays on your body or hair as these may contain metallic dust and affect the images.
- You will be asked to fill in a pre-examination questionnaire to ensure that no significant medical history is forgotten and the staff is fully aware of any metal that may be in your body.
- There is no need to fast unless a contrast injection is required. Please consult your doctor.
- Do continue to take your regular medication unless otherwise directed.
- If you are claustrophobic, sedation may be required. Please highlight this when making an appointment and further instructions will be given.
- Do bring along all your X-rays.
- For ladies, do inform the doctor if you may be pregnant.
4. How should I prepare for IVU (Intravenous Urogram)?
This test shows up abnormalities in the urinary system. It is done in the hospital x-ray department and takes about an hour. A dye is injected into a vein, usually in the arm, that travels through the bloodstream to the kidneys. The doctor can watch the passage of dye on an x-ray screen and pick up any abnormalities.
The dye may make you feel hot and flushed for a few minutes, but this feeling gradually disappears. You may feel some discomfort in your abdomen, but this will only be temporary. You should be able to go home as soon as the test is over.
- Do take 2 laxative tablets of Dulcolax 2 hours after dinner or at 10 PM the night before the examination.
- No food or drink is permitted 6 hours before the examination.
- Do inform the nurse or radiologist if you have a drug allergy or asthma.
- Do take your regular medication with small sips of water except your diabetic medication.
- Do bring along all your X-rays.
- For ladies, do inform the doctor if you may be pregnant.
5. How should I prepare for a radioisotope Renal scan?
This is done at the Nuclear Medicine and PET Centre Mt Elizabeth Hospital.
- Fasting is not required.
- For children who may require oral sedation for the procedure, the child should be fasted for at least 4 hours prior to the procedure.
- Appointments need to be made at least 2 days in advance.
- Please arrive 10 minutes before appointment.
- For ladies, do inform the doctor if you may be pregnant.
- For directions to Nuclear Medicine and PET Centre Mt Elizabeth Hospital, please refer diagram below.
6. How should I prepare for Prostate biopsy?
This is done at the Urosurgery Mt. E Clinic at Level 12 unit #12-03 unless instructed otherwise by the doctor.
- Fasting is not required.
- Do open your bowel on the morning before the procedure.
- Do start taking the antibiotic prescribed the night before the procedure.
- STOP all blood thinning medication such as Aspirin, Cardiprin, Persantin, Plavix or Warfarin, temporarily a week before the treatment.
- Do continue to take your medication for hypertension before the procedure. If your blood pressure has been consistently high, do consult your family doctor to control the blood pressure before the treatment.
- Do come with a companion to help bring you home after the procedure.
- Do bring disposable or extra underwear for greater comfort.
- Do inform the doctor if you have any pain or discomfort in urination before the procedure.
7. How should I prepare for a PET scan?
- Do not eat for six hours before your scan. You are encouraged to drink more water. Please avoid all drinks with caffeine and sugar.
- Try not to smoke on the day of the scan.
- Bring along all your previous x-ray, ultrasound, CT or MRI films and any blood test reports.
- Wear comfortable clothing.
- Leave jewelry and valuables at home.
- There should be no change in your medication.
- Diabetic patients need to regulate their blood glucose level to normal and must expect longer stay in the department.
- You may be given a light relaxant prior to the examination. It is best to bring a companion with you.
- You can expect to be at the department for 2 to 3 hours.
- Please be punctual. If you need to reschedule, written notification must be given 48 hours in advance.
- For directions to the PET scan Centre, refer to the map below.
8. How is the recovery like after circumcision?
- Usually no overnight hospital stay is required. You will be able to return home the same day.
- There will be a bandage over the wound.
- The wound will need to be kept dry for at least 3 days.
9. I have severe pain from my stone. What can I do?
If the medication given does not help, please call the clinic during office hours or the 24-Hour answering service outside of office hours.
10. How should I prepare if I am having a flow study for my urine flow?
- Do keep a full bladder before the visit.
- Drink 4-6 cups of water 20 minutes before your appointment time. You may drink some coffee as well.
11. How should I prepare for a semen analysis?
- Do abstain from any ejaculation/sexual intercourse or masturbation at least 2 days but not longer than a week prior to the collection day.
- Do ensure you can bring the specimen to the laboratory within 45 minutes of collection.
- Do obtain the proper specimen container from the clinic before the collection.
- Wash your hands and penis before collection.
- The semen should be collected by masturbation. Do not use any lubricants or gel.
- Do not collect the semen in a condom as this may contain spermicide.
- Do not subject the specimen to extremes of temperature.
- Please note the appointment times for the various laboratories:
Thomson Fertility Centre
Level 5, Thomson Medical Centre
Mon - Fri
| : 8.30 AM – 3 PM
| : 8.30 AM – 10 AM
| : Closed
Collection is strictly by appointment. Please call 6252 7766 to make an appointment.
Mt. Elizabeth Fertility Centre
Level 2, Mt. Elizabeth Medical Centre
Mon. – Fri
| : 8.30 AM – 3.30 PM
| : 8.30 AM – 11.30 AM
| : Closed
For direction, refer to diagram below.

Collection is strictly by appointment. Please call 6731 2693/4 to make an appointment.
12. How should I collect a clean urine specimen for culture?
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Open container. Be careful not to touch the inside of the container or its cap.
- ● Females: Hold outer edges of labia apart while urinating.
● Males: Retract foreskin if not circumcised while urinating - Urinate a small amount of urine into toilet, and without stopping, catch some urine in the sterile container provided.
- Place lid tightly on container, taking care not to touch the edges or inside of the container.
- Wash hands immediately after collection.
- Return the container with the urine to the nurse at the counter. If you are collecting at home, refrigerate container after collecting the specimen, and deliver to the laboratory the same day.
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